Sunday, November 8, 2009

Max: Age 3-1/4

Nicknames: M.A.X., Monster Max, Little Man, Max Man, the Boy, Stinky Dinky, the Super Dup (doop), Monkey, and Maxy.

Max at three and a quarter:
1. Since Max turned three he has been infected with the silly bug and we can't get rid of it. Silly and goofy are the name of the game with Max. He likes to gently tease, make funny faces, and laugh uncontrollably.
2. Max really likes being around people and his little sister is no exception. Sometime he likes it a little too much and a little too close.
3. Max wants treats constantly. He thinks I'm a vending machine.
4. He is very proud that he can use the potty by himself.
5. Max has recently developed a phobia of being in bed by himself and after a few terrible weeks of waking his sister up in the middle of the night his bed is now in our room.
6. Max is a toy monger. He also thinks he need to take at least one toy with him everywhere we go.
7. He loves to read books and look for letters he knows on the pages.
8. He has a wonderful imagination and my bed often turns into a rocket ship blasting off into outer space or the closet is a hang out for monsters (nice ones) or a pool of snapping crocodiles.
9. Taking after his father, Max loves anything with wheels. The louder and more obnoxious the better.
10. Max is all boy but one of my favorite things about him is that he is very sensitive and aware of how people are feeling.
11. He wants to do things by himself. "Don't help me Mom" is a constant now.
12. I don't know anyone who doesn't like Max and vice-versa.
Max is wonderful company and it is no wonder Elle follows his every move.


melissa walker said...

He is getting so big! Maybe we'll get to meet him one day-he sounds like a lot of fun!

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ali said...

I love that boy of yours. I miss my Monkey Biz terribly!

p.s. On a recent trip to Pamma and Doc's, he informed me that he did NOT like monsters.

Lane said...

I miss that little monster. Maybe now I will get a little Max time now that Uncle Grant has his own hands full. Then again, I still have Pamma and Doc to contend with...

Lane said...

p.s. You forgot "Maximus" or, "To the Maximus" for the nicknames.