Tuesday, March 6, 2007

In Only 30 Minutes...

In only 30 minutes lots of things can happen. Max can visit with friends in the hall, have a juice snack, barf the snack all over himself and his mom, play in his crib wearing nothing but a diaper while his moms scrubs his clothes, get Max dressed again, this time in pajamas (why not, we're only a couple of hours away from bed time?) sit down to play with toys while his mom changes her clothes. Mom returns and picks up Max playing contently only to me met with a foul odor. Unzip the jammies- poop everywhere. Don't bother with the changing table- straight to the tub to carefully remove jammies and toss in sink and then get diaper off whilst not smearing baby poop all over ones self. Diaper off- directly to garbage, run naked poopy bottom under tub spout then soak baby bottom in baby bath tub. Scrub-a-dub then out of the tub into a diaper and pajamas #2 (outfit #4 for the day) nurse the baby and put him in bed. Back to the bathroom, poop all over the tub and sink, oops there's a spot- toilet too. Clean all the above and then to face the rank jammies. Eeeew, shouldn't have rinsed tub just yet. Throw jammies into soak with the barfy clothes. Clean tub and sink again and then clorox it all. Wash hands thoroughly and sit down to the computer. Write a little and then, baby starts crying... I'm heading back upstairs. Gotta go.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe that that adorable little boy with the sweet face could be the cause of all those foul odors, poops and barfs...no wonder you can't fit into any of your clothes and are a size 00...and he's not even walking yet!

jamieanne said...

I'm laughing so hard, I'm crying...for you, that is. This is not funny.

ali said...

Oh boy. So this is what the rest of us have to look forward to, huh?

Lane said...

Keep it coming. Those cousins will be right up!